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Fertilizer and Biosolids
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Agri-Services Land Application ProcessAt Agri-Services, the land application of biosolids is achieved through the use of specialized farm equipment designed specifically for the job. Manure spreaders equipped with floatation tires minimize soil compaction, while chisel plows can help break up soil hardpans through incorporation of the biosolids into the plow layer. No-till programs also benefit from biosolids use, enriching topsoil while retaining crop residue and preventing soil erosion. We can also deliver liquid biosolids with little to no impact to fields or crops. In conjunction with Best Management Practice (BMP) programs, crop productivity can be increased through the use of biosolids.

A Successful Strategy for the Farm Environment

Biosolids recycling makes sense. The beneficial reuse of this valuable resource through land application can save money on the farm while protecting the environment. Let Agri-Services show you how.

Agri-Services Land Application Process

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1170 Kings Highway
King George, VA 22485
Phone (540) 775-2266
Fax (540) 775-5078