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What are Biosolids?
Fertilizer and Biosolids
Land Application Process
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What are Biosolids?Biosolids are the solid, semi-solid or liquid byproducts of the treatment of domestic wastewater that have been processed to allow the material to be safely land applied as a fertilizer or soil enhancement product.

Biosolids are a natural fertilizer that contains valuable nutrients and organic matter, which when land applied to agricultural or forest land, supply a nearly complete fertilizer. A typical agricultural application of biosolids can provide between $100 and $140 worth of fertilizer per acre.

Biosolids are an excellent resource that contributes soil conditioning organic matter to the farm, which encourages soil water holding capacity and soil moisture retention, thereby increasing plant root growth and crop productivity.

Thousands of municipalities throughout the United States currently recycle biosolids successfully through land application programs, utilizing hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland, which represent cost savings for both the farm community and municipalities.

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Land Application Process |   | Additional Resources |   | Contact Us|

1170 Kings Highway
King George, VA 22485
Phone (540) 775-2266
Fax (540) 775-5078